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Future Updates

Hello all you fine people. The following is a list of features and suggestions we have approved that have been provided by the community. We want to make this site the most useful and easy resource to use for finding information on diving and connecting with fellow divers. Keep in mind updates do take time and this is not a full time job for any of our volunteers. We do work hard to keep updating the site. If you have any suggestions please feel free to message either Tom Rutledge or Jeff Craft.

  • New Dive Shops will be added as well as splitting it into further categories
  • Dive clubs will be listed
  • Ability for members to submit comments on the dive shops and give a star rating.
  • Dive Sites will allow members to comment on them as well as give a star rating.
  • The ability to link a YouTube video to a dive site is in the works. COMPLETE
  • Quick log: This will give users the ability to add a much smaller version of their dive log to a dive site. This will allow us to keep track of min, max and average temperature and visibility for each site. COMPLETE
  • Dive site averages from data collected from users who have submitted a quick log. COMPLETE
  • "Create a Dive" This a new section that is under development which will allow our members to create a dive, set a date, time and location and organzie the dive right from here. You will be able to invite people, have a discussion and manage information about that dive event or dive trip. As this section is being developed we will be looking for your input.
  • Map showing all dive sites COMPLETE

We continue to get suggestions and most of them are great ideas. Each suggestion that comes in we do review and usually gets added to our list. If you find a bug on this site please report it immediately to Jeff Craft and it will be delt with as soon as possible. Enjoy our site!